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来源:北京绅凯服装   浏览:51   【字体: 】 发布日期: 2016-8-20 21:59:28 打印

纺织印染职业正处在阵痛复苏期,以绍兴市为例,绍兴市统计局数据显现, 2014年,占规上工业增加值35.4%的大纺织增加2.9%,低于规上工业平均增速3.5个百分点,拉低规上工业增加值增速2.1个百分点。本年局势有所好转:前五个月,浙江省纺织职业实现赢利170.32亿元,同比增加8.62%。细分而言,胡克勤说,编织职业的日子对比伤心,赢利率很低;而印染职业的赢利率相对较高,能到达10%摆布。


Textile printing and dyeing career is in the throes of recovery period, in Shaoxing City as an example, Shaoxing City Bureau of statistics data show, 2014, accounting for the regulation of the industrial added value 35.4% of the textile increased by 2.9%, below on the regulation of the industry average growth rate of 3.5 percent, pull low on the regulation of industrial added value growth of 2.1 percentage points. The situation has improved this year: the first five months, Zhejiang Province, the textile industry to achieve a profit of 17 billion 32 million yuan, an increase of 8.62%. Subdivision, Hu Keqin said that the days of weaving professional sad, win the interest rate is very low; and printing and dyeing career to win the relatively high interest rates, can reach 10%.

Textile printing and dyeing profession accept limit is discontinued 7-10 days, and the plan garment factory in the production of key is "environmental protection", this also explained that the environmental question is now the most important content, which can clearly know, garment printing and dyeing, garment processing profession need to make innovation, demand, and searching more cleaning method to deal with environmental question, has not changed, then in the back of the space will be gradually narrowed.



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