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  • 女士职业西服套装
  • 女士职业西服套装

    品 牌:北京绅凯服装
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    Customized plan - Shen Kai clothing net Beijing work suit factory clothing, custom-made clothing factory plan is what key?? in addition to service a few expensive mission, such as specific etiquette service. Special service, most begged has reasonable price performance ratio, namely and selection of paint fabric layers. Style mixed and disorderly degree. Production technology difficulty summarized comparison. The color and appearance of the same style with the two support points, it is difficult to distinguish between specific plans, and sometimes the first appearance and then color, and sometimes the first color vision with the appearance.




    On the principle of the work plan, first of all, there is a clear about sex: not the same work, the same work is not the same company, the same company is not the same post, the same position is not the same identity, gender and so on. About the nature of the program is not the same as general why people wear, wear time, wear address, why to wear, what to wear and so on. The plan of the factory service should be able to meet the characteristics of the work, to protect the safety and health of the human body.


    Economy: in addition to a price of your clothing factory, such as specific etiquette service. Special service, most of the demand has reasonable price performance ratio, and plan to use the material level, the pattern clutter, the technology of making difficulty of generalized contrast. Under the premise of equal beauty and function, the plan should be made to reduce the cost, from the style. Materials. The production of the difficult.


    Aesthetic: the aesthetic nature of the factory service by the spirit of the clothing of this common choice, to be able to meet the aesthetic standards. Although, the factory service is consistent, but only the style of the factory service is novel, trust will make the staff very much like to wear clothes.


    The request of the color scheme of the factory service lies in its physiological, psychological and symbolic. There are clothing material is the material basis for the plan, clothing information program is generally the choice and collocation of data now. As long as the use of appropriate information to reflect the plan, in order to accurately reflect the role of the program.




    电话 : 010-67959348
    手机 : 13691236158
    传真 : 010-67959348
    QQ :  865115885
    版权所有:北京绅凯服装设计有限公司 京ICP备13036617号-3