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来源:北京绅凯服装   浏览:8   【字体: 】 发布日期: 2017-10-17 10:24:55 打印
裤裆周围的裤子,臀部的全面尺寸(见图6),胯部和臀部的协调。它包括两个裆深,一个裆宽,一个爱丽丝高度和后裆坡差,预测如下,(宽裆裆围,后爱丽丝高背裆坡缘)/ 2=裆深。




The trousers around the crotch, comprehensive size end of the hip (see chart 6), the crotch and hip coordination. It includes two crotch depth, a crotch width, a Alice height and back crotch slope difference, the projections are as follows, (a wide open crotch crotch circumference after Alice a high back crotch slope margin) / 2 = crotch depth.

Around the crotch crotch depth is as the main body, or the normal rules of it, are bound with the crotch depth is similar to that of the floating size limit, so the crotch size is generally limited to around 72 to 82 centimeters, the size of the same type and often close to the waist size. The control factors of structure formation, the waist Kao nearly 95 centimeters) around the crotch size is smaller than the waist size difference, which is gradually widening, there is no gauge and shape contrast, it should be said that this is normal. Many people do not attach importance to the measurement of crotch size, in pants waist circumference close to 100 centimeters, or pants crotch and hip contradiction when, only to attract attention, to analyze whether the crotch deep abnormal Is the crotch open? At this time, measures are taken, and the effect is often unsatisfactory.

The combination of cognition but also further grasp around the crotch, fit the human trousers structure. Although the crotch size is closely related to the hip circumference, they represent a tendency dimension (see Fig. 7). The hip circumference is the horizontal circumference, and the crotch is the longitudinal girth. Hip is plane Kao pieces to solve the size of balance: balance is around the crotch size crotch cut piece of Kao, so they are in an object, but each of the return, that is to say: in the hip piece, size, contour size does not necessarily increase around the crotch, is this truth. In dealing with fat, fat, Zhuang body shape, in addition to adjust the width of open crotch size, but also according to the body shape, play the role of the crotch to replace fertilizer, to meet the needs of fat, fat, Zhuang body.


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