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来源:北京绅凯服装   浏览:36   【字体: 】 发布日期: 2016-8-20 23:31:26 打印


The authenticity of the three-dimensional cutting and the data of the plane cutting


This is the basis for the processing of both clothing is concerned. Three dimensional cutting is mainly in the real human body or the mold and other reference materials directly on the use of selected fabrics for clothing design and cutting processing. Plane cutting is only the size of the body as a basis for the processing of clothing in the production.


The biggest difference between the two is authenticity. In order to improve the modeling and technology, the three-dimensional cutting technology to select the most realistic mode of operation. And through the size of the human body as the basis for the design and processing of the plane cut, then choose the empirical mode of operation. This is a stroke above three-dimensional cutting technology in accuracy and size on the other.


The simplification of three-dimensional cutting and plane cutting


Although the accuracy of the shape and size of the plane is not as cut as the three-dimensional cutting technology. But the complicated machining process is an inevitable feature of the three-dimensional cutting technology. For the large scale industrial production of clothing, this feature is destined to make the three-dimensional cutting technology can not be used as the leading garment processing technology is fully applied.


In addition, the three-dimensional cutting technology is involved in many aspects of the art of the design of the knowledge system is also restricted the three-dimensional cutting can not be in the garment industrial production, which has become one of the leading processing technology.

电话 : 010-67959348 
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QQ :  865115885 

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