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来源:北京绅凯服装   浏览:44   【字体: 】 发布日期: 2016-8-20 23:38:05 打印











1, for longer arc and slow turning, the cutting tool path to form a coherent whole, cut smooth flat, cutting line can not have notched or toothed. Cutter as uniformly as possible speed operation, such as trousers of the side seam, when drawing a line to draw, cutting to cut along, sewing to shun, in order to meet pants side arc in the quality requirements.

2, cut to the corner, should be from two directions respectively feed. At the corner of the knife, but not directly to the corner of the cut, so as to ensure the cutting accuracy of the corner.

3, cut to keep the vertical blade and the fabric, so as not to cause the error between the layers of clothing.

4, when the first cut away, then open the mouth. Cut the first cut, then cut straight, so more convenient cutting operation.

5, at any time to ensure that the knife is always sharp, but can not have the edge of the gap, to ensure that the cutting edge smooth and straight, Zheng Qiyuan shun.

6, the shear port on the piece of clothing is the mark that is made for stitching, its precision directly affects the sewing process. One is the position precision, two is the shape precision, three is the size precision. General cut 0.3 cm in size control.

7, cutting personnel should continue to study the different fabrics, different thickness of the cutting force of the cutting force, and constantly familiar with the knife technology, familiar with the equipment performance and fabric performance.

8, in contrast with the discharge order, garment cutting or cutting a small area of the garment after cutting a large area. On the contrary, the last remaining small material is not easy to control the cutting knife, to bring difficulties to the operation.

9, with the left hand gently press the fabric, soft, not too hard, too dead, more can not deviate from the vertical direction to the surrounding force, otherwise it will cause the fabric layer dislocation, affect the accuracy of. With the right nudge along the discharge line forward scissors.

电话 : 010-67959348 
手机 : 13691236158 
传真 : 010-67959348 
QQ :  865115885 



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