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来源:北京绅凯服装   浏览:18   【字体: 】 发布日期: 2016-9-18 21:46:10 打印

1)关于测量基准线、测量点、测置项目 人体测量是体形和它的变化的具体化,是尺码的组成,它以制作和理论研究为目的,是设计和理论研究的基础。




2)测量项目应按穿着目的而定 关于测量项目,它的设定是个问题。首先必须按照设计目的来设定所需的测量项目。特别是在制作服装时,为了做成符合穿善要求的服装,就需要相应的测量值。例如服装设计、运动功能是必须考虑的。




1) on the datum line, measuring points, measuring the project body measurement is concrete and its shape changes, the size is, it is the production and theoretical research is the basis for the purpose of design and research.
Measurement methods and its statistical processing of measured values have b

een established in a separate field. Literature, the data are many, here is no longer repeat, here to talk about the measurement points and measurement items.
Measuring points and measuring items are of great significance for fashion design. In particular, the measurement point, is the basis of clothing on the body surface, or the basis of the design of the structure of the clothing line. Because clothing prototype is to imitate the body surface. Such a measurement point is the two, that is, between the surface and the prototype of the important first connection point, a great significance.

Measurement points, in the bones and muscles have been said, but the measurement point and the structure of the human body does not allow ambiguity, so in the subsequent chapters in detail to illustrate.

2) measurement of the project should be based on the purpose of wearing the measurement of the project, it is a question of setting. First, the required measurement items must be set in accordance with the design objectives. Especially in the production of clothing, in order to make it conform to the requirements of clothing, it needs the appropriate measurement values. For example, clothing design, movement function must be considered.

If the exercise is the main objective, it is necessary to add the item of the measurement, which is used to measure the general clothing. So here as the center to increase the number of other items of clothing design need to have a few icons of the human body. And only one of them is used as the measuring datum. A dynamic measurement project, as explained in the nutation body function.

The design basis from the human body function of the two aspects of the static and dynamic positioning of the narrative, these are the back of the local human body and the corresponding local clothing when the basis.



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