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职业感是最好的护身符 日不落的中国模特市场

来源:北京绅凯服装   浏览:2   【字体: 】 发布日期: 2017-8-25 11:04:16 打印


职业感是最好的护身符 日不落的中国模特市场





The peak of the financial crisis, Dan Jingya said, perhaps because of his own company "Oriental Bentley" is not only as a single profit model, the fashion show so in special period of the anti risk ability is very obvious. Dan's schedule is tight, and the financial crisis seems like a long way to go.

There is, however, a signal that danjingya can feel it clearly. Since the second half of last year, as the large T Xiu international brand to simple brand image promotion has been reduced, on the contrary, some small display on the VIP customer more attention and media, to create more opportunities for cooperation, some international held some fine set shop in China more encryption salon, as a result of the model shows that, the price is not low, but fortunately the show "increased".
"In the fashion circle of financial crisis, personal feeling is not necessarily a bad thing, especially for the China model of the market, more and more international brands in the China this time to hold its ground, there will be more and more China fashion models show the opportunity." Dan said ya.

Another finding is the Asian financial crisis, Dan Jing, some cutting-edge designers did not stop the pace, more and more new faces appear in the fashion design industry, therefore, they also need to dig more in line with their own brand "new faces", therefore, the new model also can get a fair chance to develop.

"The opportunities at the same time, the financial crisis will have a certain impact on the model, which is unable to avoid, for example, shows more and more will be the star of the show, but still does not affect the T mainstream demand, a revelation is that the model must be sufficient professional occupation, the only way she had the time to compete.".


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