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来源:北京绅凯服装   浏览:2   【字体: 】 发布日期: 2017-9-13 10:29:09 打印


Slender and slender in dress


Small and slender people give a lighter impression, so they give a feeling of stability when choosing clothes. Now the style is more, in the selection of more time.


In the choice of styles, we should avoid big styles. It's wrong to think that big clothes will wrap up their little bodies and make themselves look fatter, because they will get smaller and smaller in big styles of clothes. Have the opposite effect. This effect is especially pronounced in the summer, but we can choose to make my body tight with clothes that look fuller. The fitting effect is good. The part that makes the body leak is more prominent, and the inside is fuller.


A fat figure; a dainty outfit


Fat people often talk about topics and are often laughed at. No one, they go to the United states. Of course, this is a conscious bias, but largely because it ignores the fat man himself. Many of them think this number has been so, pay attention not to notice. In fact, precisely because of this number, we should pay more attention to it.


Such people need to avoid popular and trendy, classic is the right choice. It's not an exaggeration to make a mistake. Classic format gives a mature, sedate, generous feeling, and very in line with their own body. Color to choose the same color and close to match, avoid strong, bright colors, and match a large number of color contrast. Light color is a better color.


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