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来源:北京绅凯服装   浏览:2   【字体: 】 发布日期: 2017-9-13 10:33:20 打印

1、经济观念:肯定是质量越高服装越贵。衣服越是满街过剩,选择越是本事。最佳办法是确定购衣价格单,买 衣服单价高一些,数量少。同时列出配饰品的价钱来。


1, economic concept: definitely the higher the quality, the more expensive clothes. The more the streets of excess clothes, choose the more skill. The best way is to determine the buying price list to buy clothes, high cost, less quantity. At the same time list the price of the accessories.


2, the overall concept of activities: dress is stereo color sculpture, so don't put up separately modeling, and to the whole to the slender willowy type dress.

3、发型观念:服装设计师的最新作品,有时是通过奇特的发型展示出来的,头式的风格(尤其是色彩)决定着 服装配搭,发型变换较少的国人更应注意这点。


3, the concept of style: fashion designer's latest work, sometimes is displayed by the peculiar hairstyle, head style (especially color) decided to match the clothes, hair change with fewer people should pay attention to this point.

4、体型观念:体型不佳的人尤其要会用服饰发挥,让人首先觉得你的体型的美丽与长处。比如说臀部较大,让 人苦恼,但穿上皱褶的长裙。让人感觉出潇洒的田园风格。

4, body shape concept: poor people, especially to use clothing to play, let people first feel your body beauty and strengths. For example, the larger the hips, the more distressing, but the long skirt with creases. Make people feel the idyllic style.


5, makeup type concept: different clothing to match different makeup type, can change more different styles of makeup type, of course, is the best way. If the makeup type is relatively single, it will affect the expression of clothing.

6、配饰观念:配饰品与服装密不可分,买完衣服仅仅是万里长征走完了第一步,要预算出一半的钱来考虑配件 。配件可有可无或不重视的人会被人认为是没有品位的。

6, the concept of accessories: with jewelry and clothing are inseparable, buy the clothes is only the first step in the Long March, to budget out half of the money to consider accessories. People who do not attach importance to or do not attach importance to it will be considered to be tasteless.

7、个性观念:年轻人对于流行服装有很敏锐的反应,但往往是粗线条的直觉,再加上不会搭配,反而显出没有 品味。最聪明的人是把流行当"调料"放进当季衣服中,使自己永远时髦又别具一格。

7, personality concept: young people have a keen reaction to popular clothing, but often the coarse line of intuition, coupled with will not match, but show no taste. The most intelligent person is to put fashion into "season clothes", and make them always fashionable and unique.

8、保养观念:这是一般国人所有功课中最差的一项。这包括两个方面,一方面是服装的洗涤,熨烫,收藏和保 管,另一方面是每周提前衣着计划。

8, maintenance concept: This is the general people in all the homework in the worst one. This includes two aspects, one is clothing washing, ironing, collection and storage, on the other hand, ahead of schedule weekly clothing program.

9、肤色观念:脑子里要先有适合自己肤色的色彩系列。一定要注意所有服装是要穿在自己的"肤色"之上的,而 绝不是配在白墙上或白色黑色模特儿架上的。如果你真的酷爱某一种颜色,你还是把它用来布置房间吧!

9, skin color concept: the brain should first have their own color range of skin color. It must be noted that all clothing should be worn on its own skin color, not on a white wall or on a white and black model shelf. If you really love a particular color, you can use it to decorate your room!


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